Forum Knowledge


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Leaders are experts in their fields. In today’s complex world, being an expert is not enough. Leaders need to understand the linkages between their areas of expertise, and the issues impacting or being impacted by their field.Monitoring and understanding these linkages is essential to identifying and assessing business opportunities and risks.
Knowledge, from the World Economic Forum, addresses this need, giving privileged access to content from leading sources aligned to the Forum’s exclusive Transformation Maps framework. In addition, you can:
• Receive your own personalised knowledge feed which is customised to your interests and expertise. • Browse curated knowledge across over 120 different economies, industries and global issues. • Understand the key issues that are driving transformational changes across different economies, industries and global issues. • Visualise relationships and linkages between different economies, industries and global issues. • Express your opinion on knowledge and understand how your peers are responding. • Search for knowledge and experts.
To use this app you must already be in possession of a valid World Economic Forum username and password– you should have received instructions to set up yourusername and password when registering for a Forum event and perhaps have already used them to access TopLink – the World Economic Forum’sonline collaboration platform.